Friday, March 20, 2020

A List of German Riddles and Their Answers

A List of German Riddles and Their Answers Learning a new language doesnt have to be so serious. Let your laughter help you learn.   Here are eight fun German riddles to help you practice reading and speaking the language. Can you guess the answers? We will post them in a separate section below so you have the chance to guess.   Memorize your favorite riddle  for an extra challenge.   Ich hab zwei Flà ¼gel und kann nicht fliegen.Ich hab einen Rà ¼cken und kann nicht liegen.Ich hab ein Bein und kann nicht stehen.Oft trag ich Brillen und kann nicht sehen.Was  bin ich?Was ist das, das im Wasser lebtund noch am Sternenhimmel schwebt?Das im Kalender ruhig ist,sonst aber Menschen plagt und frisst?Schwarz kommt es in die Kà ¼chen,rot stehts dann auf den Tischen.Klein bin ich, groß,und deine Lebensquelle.Ich werd erobertund geraubt,und bleib dochauf derselben Stelle.Auch bin ich noch,von vielen nicht geglaubt,dein Himmel, deine Hà ¶lle.Im Drehen muss ich gehen,und niemand kann es sehen.Doch alle mà ¼ssen mit mir fortund bleiben doch an ihrem Ort.Ohne Fà ¼ÃƒÅ¸e um die WetteEil ich fort im schnellsten Lauf.Hà ¶re Tag und Nacht nicht aufUnd bin doch stets im Bette.Ich mache hart,ich mache weich,ich mache arm,ich mache reich.Kommst du zu nah,wirst du verzehrt,doch sterb ichwo man mich entbehrt.Ich bin am Berg, am Buch,bald hà ¶ckerig, bald schlicht.Ich geh euch i mmer nach,ihr aber seht mich nicht. Es ist ein Schutz, wie eine Haut,bei Birken, Linden, Eichen.Doch wenn man was bestimmtes isst,mag mans daran nicht leiden. Answers die Nasede Krebsdas Herzdie Erdeder Flussdas Feuerder Rà ¼ckendie Rinde

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Benefits of Having a Car in College

Benefits of Having a Car in College There are seemingly a lot of benefits to having a car in college. After all, who wouldn’t want to have access to wheels whenever they choose? And while there are some important cons to consider, there are certainly several key pros as well. You Can Leave Campus If and When You Need a Break Whether it’s heading to a concert somewhere in town, going out to dinner with some friends, or even just being able to take someone on a date, having the ability to get away from campus whenever you wish is certainly a luxury. You Can Help Friends Out If your friends are moving, needing to transport something too big to fit on the bus, or just need a ride to the airport, having access to your own car allows you to help them if and when they ask. It can feel good to know you’re helping someone out in a pinch or even helping support a fun event for someone special, like a celebratory birthday night downtown. You Dont Have to Worry About Transportation Around the Holidays Getting home – even if it’s a day or two drive – can be done on your own terms. You won’t have to worry about expensive flights, delayed trains, long bus rides, or other transportation woes. You can more or less leave when you wish. Additionally, as the owner of the car, you can also coordinate something fun, like a road trip toward your hometown that lets you drop off friends in their hometowns along the way. You Can Plan Road Trips Speaking of road trips, you can provide transportation for some seriously memorable road trips over things like Presidents’ Weekend or Spring Break. Having access to and use of a car both ensures you’ll get to go and that you’ll have some say about the itinerary. You Can Get an Internship or Job Off Campus Without a car, of course, you can also work or have an internship off campus, but having your own transportation definitely makes the logistics easier. Having a car can therefore open some additional professional doors, whether it’s a part-time gig at a company you’d like to work for after you graduate or an internship at an interesting museum in town. You Can Save Money by Shopping Around True, having a car on campus might cost a bit extra, but you can also save money in other aspects of your college life. When you’re stuck on campus, you’re quite limited in terms of where you can buy items, like groceries or school-related supplies. With a car, however, you can make the long trip for items at discount clothing stores, cheaper food options (think: Costco or Walmart), and other less-expensive retailers. Sure, buying in the campus bookstore can be smart for several types of purchases, but overall you’re likely to find better deals elsewhere. You Can Be More Flexible With Your Family Needs ​If you often need to help out with a family business, help take care of an ill family member or provide childcare for your family, having a car can cut down on the time it takes for you to get back and forth. This simple time saver can therefore provide you with more time to focus on your studies instead of commuting back and forth. Overall, the choice of having a car with your during your time in school depends heavily on the specific factors relevant to your situation. As with most things during college, however, it’s best to make an informed, educated decision about which choice seems the smart way to go.